The Alpha's Niece (Barton Pack Book 1) Page 14
"You should let me and mother help you more," he said. She had been hesitant to let Alexander go. She wasn't sure why. Her uncle said he would be allowed to live so the child was in no danger from him or any other wolves in the pack.
"I'm his mother," she said.
"And you need your rest. His grandmother and I can manage," Cyrus said. She didn't want to hand Alexander over but he was still crying pitifully.
Cyrus took him and balanced him on his shoulder. Remember almost flew out of the bed to remind him to support the head and be gentle with the infant.
"I'm a doctor," Cyrus said apparently noticing her distress. She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. She hadn't let her baby out of her sight since he'd been presented to her uncle.
She watched Cyrus's careful movements as he carried Alexander out of the room. She heard him crying and after a moment the crying stopped.
She wanted to rush down the stairs and be sure her son was safe but she knew she was being silly. Alexander was as safe with Cyrus as he was with her.
She rolled over and buried her face in the pillow. She was exhausted. He'd been right to suggest she needed a break. She just hoped she could manage to sleep with her baby out of sight.
"She finally let him go?" Tabitha asked rushing forward as Cyrus came down the stairs.
Alexander was over his shoulder and he was holding him carefully there with one hand while he used his other to steady himself on his cane.
"You will have to wait your turn, mother. I've been trying to get a moment with him too," Cyrus said. He made his way to a chair and sat. Alexander had let out a loud belch as they made their way down the stairs. That seemed to ease his discomfort and he calmed. Now that Cyrus had both hands free he cradled Alexander in his arms only to find him peacefully sleeping.
He leaned forward and took in his scent. The scent of a pup from the pack was always intoxicating but this pup's smell was addictive.
"He's a handsome little thing," his mother said. She was right. Aside from the missing arm he was a perfect baby. He had a chubby cherub face with thin lips. He had hair, though it was only a hint, on the top of his head. Cyrus couldn't be sure the color but he guessed either light brown or dark blond. He was dressed in a white outfit his mother had sewn and Remember had put knitted white booties on his feet to keep them warm.
"I'm less worried about him and more worried about Remember," Cyrus said. He knew women became emotional after giving birth. In a few rare instances they even went mad. He didn't think Remember was heading in that direction but it still worried him. She'd been through so much already.
"A nice nap will do as much for her as anything," his mother said.
He hoped she was right.
"Should I put him in the cradle?" his mother asked. The cradle had yet to be used and was still in the parlor. Cyrus had no doubt his mother intended to drag it to the kitchen so that Alexander would be under her watchful eye. He looked down at Alexander's sleeping form.
"Not yet. I think I will just hold him for a while."
Remember woke with a start. She looked at the crib next to her bed and her heart raced in panic. Alexander wasn't there!
She raced downstairs. No one was in the kitchen. She rushed into the parlor and the sight made her still.
Cyrus was leaning back in one of the stuffed chairs. His eyes were closed and a barely audible snore escaped his mouth. On his chest Alexander was cuddled against him. Even in sleep Cyrus was holding the child carefully and firmly. The image tugged at her heart strings. Any stranger who approached them and saw the scene would have no doubt Cyrus was the father of the pup. For a moment she almost could believe it herself.
She breathed a sigh and slowly made her way to a chair opposite of them. Now that she'd rested she could think clearly.
She'd been filled with so much guilt. She'd felt responsible for her son being born without an arm. Had she done something wrong? Had all her fear and worry caused it?
She felt indebted to Cyrus. He had let her child live and he'd let her keep her child but she felt as if the burden of the child should lie on her shoulders. It had been so much to ask Cyrus to accept a child that wasn't his and it was even more to ask him to raise a child who was born imperfect. He'd done enough for her just by agreeing to give the child a name and to claim Alexander before the pack. She should have the burden of the child she insisted on keeping. She should be the one to care for and protect the child but the burden of that care made her feel exhausted and alone.
Sitting across from Cyrus and her son made her heart ache to breaking. She wasn't alone. Alexander was her child but he also was Cyrus' child as far as the world was to know and as far as her son would know. If the scene before her was any indication her son would never suspect the man who was now holding him wasn't the man responsible for his life.
Even that wasn't true. Cyrus was responsible for Alexander's life. If she'd married Jordan her son would never have been allowed to live. Perhaps if she had married anyone other than a three-legged wolf her son would have been killed.
Alexander whimpered and she rushed forward. Cyrus stirred and as she put her hands on Alexander his arms tightened protectively.
"He needs to eat before we go," she whispered.
Cyrus opened his eyes and nodded. He let her take Alexander but his eyes followed her as she moved across the room to the chair opposite him and offered Alexander her breast.
"Did you sleep well?" Cyrus asked with a yawn.
"I did. Did you?"
Cyrus was surprised Remember let him hold Alexander while she dressed for the pack meeting. She took him back to change him into the outfit that had been sewn especially for the occasion but when Isaac's wagon arrived to take them to his house Remember handed Cyrus the child for the ride.
It snowed again the night before but the snow wasn't terribly deep. Cyrus was glad they didn't have to walk especially with a tiny pup.
Many of the pack members were already in the house when they arrived. The she-wolves rushed up first which didn't surprise him. The first to approach was Remember's Aunt Sally who, no doubt, had been informed of the situation ahead of time. She inhaled the scent of the pup and held out her arms for him. Cyrus hesitantly handed him over. Remember stepped forward and wrapped her arm around his. She seemed as nervous as he was to get the reaction of the pack to the pup. As soon as he was unbundled there would be no disguising his missing limb.
He watched as Isaac's wife unwrapped the blankets. Remember's arm tightened around his.
The other she-wolves came forward to sniff the pup and get a good look at him. He noticed most couldn't resist a brief caress of his cheek or his single tiny hand.
After every she-wolf present had been given the chance to welcome the child it was time for the males of the pack. Most came up and took a dutiful sniff but a few lingered and gave the baby a brief caress as well. Cyrus noted that most of the men who caressed Alexander were fathers.
"There is food in the kitchen to celebrate the birth of our newest pack member. Alexander Callister was born to my niece Remember and her husband Cyrus. As the alpha of this pack I welcome this pup and declare him a provisional member of the pack with all the protections this entitles him to," Isaac said. Alexander would become a full member of the pack after his first moon transformation though that wouldn't happen until he was a teenager.
"You must see if Bethany will watch him during the full moons. I have been using her since my first was born and I just don't think I would trust anyone else," Rachel said to Remember. She unhooked her arm from Cyrus' and followed Rachel across the room where they could discuss the matter more privately. During the full moon the pup would need someone to care for him. No pack member would hurt a pup but they were never brought to the moon sanctuary because when all the wolves had turned there would be no one to care for an infant. He would leave the choice of caregivers up to Remember.
nbsp; He went into the kitchen to grab a plate.
He was pleasantly surprised that not one of his pack members made any comments about his son's missing limb.
Chapter 20
"Just send a message if you need us," Remember said to Bethany. She was in her late thirties and the mother of six children. She was a witch and a member of Martha's coven though she didn't join the coven for their moon vigil on account of her small children.
"It will all be fine. My littlest is only three months older than this wee one," Bethany said. The fact she had a child close in age and could give Alexander milk while Remember was away had been the deciding factor in choosing her.
"I'm sure you will," Remember said. Her mind knew she should be sure but her heart hated the idea of leaving Alexander behind with anyone.
He was so small and helpless. Bethany had raised her own children but what did she know about raising Alexander?
"We need to go now," Cyrus said gently, placing his hand on Remember's shoulder.
"We need to be at your uncle's in half an hour," Tabitha said.
"Of course," Remember said though she felt a deep aching as Bethany closed the door and Alexander was hidden from view.
The trek to her uncle's was the longest she'd ever experienced. Her breasts were already sore. Cyrus had showed her some fancy medical tool to relieve the pressure but she was sure it would do very little. She wanted her son.
By the time they arrived, the wagons were already loaded and almost all of the pack members were present and waiting. During the winter they had to leave earlier because night fell sooner. It wasn't yet close to dawn.
"The first moon after a birth is the hardest," Rachel said.
"In another three months or so you will welcome the break," Sally said.
Remember followed Cyrus to her uncle's wagon. They would be riding in the back. The ground was snowy and it was far too hard for Cyrus to walk in the snow and keep up with the pack. Since she was still recovering from her son's birth Cyrus had insisted she wasn't ready to walk either. Her uncle agreed.
Her uncle helped her into the wagon with Cyrus and several others.
"Will you ride?" she asked Tabitha.
"Not yet. I will if I tire," Tabitha said though Remember couldn't recall ever seeing her mother-in-law tire. She hoped she was half as strong when she grew to Tabitha's age. There was room for a few more pack members in the wagon but no one else boarded.
"Before we go I have news for the pack," her uncle said. He raised his hand calling for their silent attention.
Sudden intent silence answered him. Remember turned her head so she could see him clearly.
"Ahote of the werebears came to me earlier this week. Someone was inquiring about our pack. They told her they'd left the pack they were born into and were looking for a new pack to join. We've had many wolves join us who left the packs they were born into. Ahote found the inquiry odd because he inquired about the single she-wolves of the pack. It is possible he is a rogue wolf intent on luring away one of the single she-wolves in our pack. It is also possible he just was curious about the prospects of our pack. If he approaches any of you I want you to be friendly but cautious until we know more about who he is and what motives he has," her uncle said.
He lowered his arm and climbed into the wagon. A moment later the wagon lurched forward.
"Do you really see a lot of rogue wolves out here?" Remember asked. It was rare to meet a werewolf without a pack in Philadelphia.
"Some think they will go west for the land and stop here instead. I imagine they are more common in Oregon and California though," Cyrus said.
"Why would a wolf leave their pack?" Bart asked. He was seated in the wagon with them due to his weak heart.
"Many reasons. Maybe he didn't get along with the alpha. Perhaps he was a younger son of the alpha and was angry about his brother taking over the pack. Perhaps he felt he was old enough to take a mate but there wasn't one available for him in their pack or packs they were friendly with," Cyrus said.
"Sometimes a wolf is just head-strong," her uncle called over his shoulder. Cyrus chuckled. Remember often forgot that her husband had left his pack to join the war. If he had been exiled he would have been forced to search for a new pack willing to accept him. His injuries would have made finding a new pack nearly impossible. It made her heart sad. Her son would face many challenges in life. He was fortunate to have their pack.
They arrived at the moon sanctuary with little time to spare. Cyrus climbed down from the wagon and offered his hand to Remember who took it.
He was about to follow the others into the building to stow their clothes when Isaac motioned him over. Remember followed at his side.
"I want you both to be extra vigilant this moon," Isaac said.
"I don't understand," Remember said with a little shake of her head. The moon sanctuary was safe. Witches would be sure that no one entered or left who shouldn't.
"Ahote wouldn't have said anything to me if she hadn't thought there was something off about the wolf who approached her. She didn't like the scent of him. After the incident at the fair I contacted your father. He's been keeping an eye and ear open for the goings on of Jordan's pack. Apparently, several young wolves have been doing a bit of traveling. He can't say where or that anything suspicious is happening but I think caution is warranted."
"You think the man asking about our pack is one of Jordan's friends?" The blood drained from Remember's face and Cyrus put an arm around her to steady her.
"I don't think anything yet. I just want you to be careful. I've told Edgar, Jeremiah, and Noah. They will be on high alert for anything amiss. If Jordan or his associates are in Iowa it is better if we know about it," Isaac said.
"We have to get word to Bethany!" Remember's voice was filled with panic.
"Rachel made her aware of the situation and every precaution is being taken," Isaac assured her.
Cyrus knew no amount of assurance would bring Remember peace. It was going to be a very long three days.
Chapter 21
Remember hugged Alexander to her chest. He was sleeping soundly and she could have put him down but they had only returned from the moon sanctuary three days before and she was still recovering from the separation. It was the fourth full moon since her son's birth but giving him up for three days never seemed to get easier. The first full moon passed without incident and there had been no more sightings of the rogue wolf Ahote reported. The second and third moon without incident put Remember more at ease.
The air was filled with spring and this moon was one of playful frolicking.
Alexander took up so much of her time and energy that she almost enjoyed the break from him though once the moon was over she was eager to be reunited with her son.
Remember could find no fault in the care Bethany gave Alexander though this didn't make her any less relieved to be back in charge of her son's care. He was growing so fast and she was loathe to miss even a moment of it.
Remember turned her head at a knock on the door. Tabitha was closer and so Remember let her mother-in-law answer it. She wanted to steal a few more minutes with her son.
She could hear the rain pouring as the door opened.
"There is a storm coming. I think it will be a bad one. Keep an eye on the sky in case you need to take shelter in the root cellar," her uncle said.
"You shouldn't have come all this way just to warn us about the storm," Remember said. Her uncle's clothes were dripping.
"I had a letter to bring you. Besides, your mother would never forgive me if something happened to her first grandson," her uncle said. He handed her the letter and took a moment to pat Alexander gently on his back.
He gave her a smile but it didn't meet his eyes. The storm coming was serious and she could tell he was concerned for her safety.
"Have you let Aaron and Cyrus know?" Remember asked.
"Where are they?"
"With Thunder," Remember said.
"She is dying," Tabitha added.
"I heard that was the case," her uncle said dipping his head.
"Aaron and Cyrus went to make sure her death has as little pain as possible," Remember said.
"And to help her daughters cope with the loss. They took calming teas with them and laudanum. I doubt they will need the latter but one never knows how someone will deal with their grief," Tabitha said.
"Hopefully they will look at the sky and know to stay put," her uncle said.
Remember nodded. Her uncle pushed the door open and disappeared. She heard the sound of his wagon as he hurried the horses along.
"We better be prepared even if the storm passes. Grab what Alexander will need for the rest of the evening. It is hard to say how long we might be stuck down there if things get bad," Tabitha said grabbing a basket from the shelf and hurriedly filling it with items. Remember was glad Tabitha knew what they needed because she had no idea. She grabbed a handful of diapers, two changes of clothes, and an extra blanket. She placed them in the basket.
There was another knock on the door.
Tabitha put her hand on her hip impatiently and this time Remember pulled the door open.
"Are you doing okay?" Aaron asked. She hadn't expected to see him on the other side of the door. Martha was by his side.
"Is Cyrus with you?" Tabitha asked looking past him into the darkness of the stormy sky.
"He'll be along as soon as he can. He wanted me to make sure you were safe," Aaron said. Remember nodded uncertainly as a cold fear settled in her belly. The storm was raging and Cyrus might even now be out in it. She hoped it didn't worsen and she hoped he had the good sense to stay with the werebears until it passed.